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Category: Liquor Licensing

Industry Issues, Opinions and Concerns – Liquor Licensing

Liquor Licensing: Fundraising

Most of us appreciate that our local watering hole is not only a place of enjoyment, but a gathering place for like minded individuals fostering community spirit. This couldn’t be truer than for most regional pubs in WA.

With that being said, most licensed venues try and find ways to assist in fundraising efforts for their community and local sporting groups.

And you would think this would be a straight forward process correct?


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Licence Objections Ludicrous

WA Leader of the Opposition and prospective Premier, Hon. Mark McGowan MLA, talks licence approvals, conditions and objections and his vision for the future of Western Australian hospitality.

We need more common sense when it comes to approvals, conditions and objections to liquor licences. Some of the State Government’s objections are nothing short of ludicrous. One recent example was Brotzeit, a German-themed restaurant chain at the upmarket 140 William complex.

Brotzeit was banned from selling beer in traditional German one litre glasses because, among other reasons, the Executive Director of Public Health was concerned about “the potential for some patrons to consume the one litre stein at a faster rate in order to prevent the beer from going warm and/or flat”. I don’t like drinking flat, warm beer, either, but I can make my own mind up about that.

Even a Muslim majority nation like Malaysia allows its Brotzeit patrons to order a 1L Stein – but not in Western Australia.

Continue reading Licence Objections Ludicrous

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