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CEO’s Report – Healthway and Late Night Trains

There appears to be an attitude in a small number of Western  Australian Government Agencies that it’s ok to place their Ministers and the Government in embarrassing and difficult situations.

The recent examples include some Healthway staff and Board members use of corporate facilities for personal use and the decision of the Public Transport Authority (PTA) to  unilaterally cancel the late night train service after midnight without any community or hospitality industry consultation.

Both have resulted in their respective Ministers having to defend public administration by unelected bureaucrats. However, the lesson is that other Government Agencies should take these issues as a signal that they are open to accountability and will be scrutinised by the media and the public.

For a number of years the AHA has raised with the Western Australian Government concerns over the activities and questionable conduct of Healthway. The recent exposure of habitual sponging off the tax payer through both grant allocations to vested interest and gratuitous use of corporate boxes reflects the worst of what we have known about this organisation for some time.

Healthway was originally established to compensate sporting and cultural organisations whose sponsorship was cut as a result of the total ban of tobacco advertising and sponsorship. Over the years, health zealots have directed Healthway to focus its resources, time and attention on reengineering thinking about alcohol, fast food, gambling and confectionery.

The AHA, a number of industry beverage suppliers and hospitality interests have been at loggerheads with Healthway over their aggressive behaviour to try and lock out a range of food and beverage sponsors.

It appears that along the way not only have Healthway been engaged in a political campaign against the food and beverage sector, but have also breached the trust of the Premier and the Minister for Health when it came to sponsorship and free VIP tickets.

The PTA’s recent decision to axe late night train services without any consultation with the hospitality sector is no more than arrogance and a disregard to the tax and rate paying businesses that support the night time economy. The removal of this train service would have had a negative effect on many businesses that trade up to and beyond midnight.

The AHA, other industry organisations, and the public, condemned the cancellation of trains and we lobbied to have them reinstated. The decision placed Minister Nalder in a very difficult position. However, it also provided him with an opportunity to step in and demonstrate that the Government is consultative and listening to the voice of the community that utilises this service, resulting in his reversal of the cancellation.

Bradley Woods
AHA(WA) CEO/Executive Director
CEO’s Report


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